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tv   Ben Carson News Conference in Spartanburg South Carolina  CSPAN  December 3, 2015 5:58am-6:30am EST

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you see, i remember during the winter we had a bad storm. they said, it is global warming. it's unbelievable. they said we have not had a snow -- this was the third. the number one snowstorm was in 1889. look, we will have -- it goes like this. we want clean air and clean water. it has gotten to a point people are making a fortune off of the stuff. our businesses are being hurt. our manufacturers cannot compete. china is over there laughing like hell at barack obama because we are stopping our plans from functioning and make it so expensive and not any better pollution wise. we are stopping our plants. we are doing all of this
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damage. china is agreeing to do things. they will violate the agreement 100% because they always do. just like iran, just like everybody. we are like the dummies. we are just the dummies. we used to be so proud. now we feel so stupid. we are led by stupid people. and we cannot have it anymore. it is unbelievable. by the way what i am going to do is -- we will take some questions. it was brutal to get here today. i might as well stick around for a while. you can start thinking about it because in a few minutes -- we will talk a little bit about what we have in plan. i want to take some questions. i love it. i love taking questions, even if they are vicious, horrible, violent questions. one thing with hillary, she does not have the strength or
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stamina to be president. she does not have it. i know her, i have gotten along her purity that gotnd i know to understand over the years i got along with everybody. i am a great businessman. i made a fortune, and i want to put that same again for the country. owe $19 trillion or use all this ridiculous budget that they passed, like, immediately. i say i know where the democrats are coming from, but the republicans in a way are more to disappointing. you elect to them, and you had in virginia one of all time, and you deserved to be upset. by the way, you know who you were backing? bush. that is one of the greatest upsets. this, they says d obamacare, to en
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we are going to make our military strong, we will take so vets and make our vets happy -- blah, blah, balah. all words. winyou love them, and they the election, and there with their wife or there with her husband, and they say look, look , mary, we finally made it. look at the beautiful columns. they go into the capital building, they say this is beautiful, this is beautiful. now they have a vote on obama care. i do not want to leave this place, this is beautiful. don't they let us down? win, look, i, if i am against 15 guys. 15, and itnow it is
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is drying up fast. there are guys with 0, and they continue to go along. tell me, can that be good for them? patakive guys like th who cannot be elected dogcatcher. if have guys who cannot even -- they cannot get 1%, they cannot get anything. one of them down with a 0 and an arrow pointing left. that is less than zero. i think that is a topographical error of sometim some kind because how do you get less than zero? and some of them did not even register and upcoming states, and now they have missed their times. to put upoes not want money because he knows he is not going to win or he cannoget enough signatures to register in a virginia or south carolina or
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new hampshire or wherever it may be, but numbers of them haveot registered, why do we elect them to debate? if somebody gives up the state of virginia, or if somebody gives up the state of south because, you know, they're pretty hard to get on the ballot, they are -- by the way, i am already on the ballot. [cheers and applause] thank you, thank you. what we did, we took many times the number of signatures, we did it so quickly area who did it? you did it right here. stand up and take a bow. thank you. great job. i know that. if somebody cannot get on the why would you let them on the debate stage to waste everybody's time. them to beou allow
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on the debate stage? it is so -- it is not unfair, it is just stupid. it is like, what are we doing wou?ld we have come a we are -- it is like, what are we doing? mr. trump, the war in the middle east, what would you do in 30 seconds? [applause] [laughter] drudge, hery poll, is an amazing guy. but drudge, "time" magazine, slate," every one of everypolls, i have won single poll in every single debate. dayll tell you -- the other , i said i do not want to brag -- am i ok to brag? is that all right?
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they were a couple million people watching the first debate, it used to be that these debates, nobody even wanted them. you have to take the debate or we are taking your license away or something, right? so the first debate was by fox, and they had 24 million people, actually more than that after the final numbers, but 24 million people, which was about the largest in the history of cable television. cnn with 23 was million people. cnn has covered some pretty big events like wars. in the history of cnn, it was the highest-rated show they have ever had, and they made it three hours, which they should not have done because there are two of them. i could do this for 24 hours straight, but nobody wants to watch this stuff for three hours, especially when 90% of the people -- i do not even know why they are doing it.
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cnbc wheree went to that guy, john harwood -- what an idiot he was. he is not a professional. i have to tell you for four weeks before that, he was so nice to me. "oh, mr. trump, you are so wonderful, mr. trump, you are so great." and reads as out wiseguy question here it i said that is not a very nice question, but they wanted three hours because advertising sells so much now that they make a fortune. and i said, "i am not going to let them have three hours. i am not going to have it." and people said you will not be able to stop them. i think it took me, what do you think, three minutes. and then carson said, "i will go along with it," so that was very nice. ben carson. i have to give credit where credit is due. i have been a little rough on him. i have to give credit -- he came a long,d said i will go
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so i came in, we can men, and we said we are not doing this, and they folded like an umbrella. so now my big thing is they all say, "you cannot get mexico to pay for the wall!" try me. [cheers and applause] we are going to build a wall. we are going to build a wall, it is going to be a great while, it will not be a little toy, we will build it not for a lot of money. you know, in china, they built the great wall of china, 13,000 miles long. in our case, we need really 1000 miles. 2000 miles, some of it is natural borders, natural barriers, which is pretty good. not as good as a wall, but it is pretty good, let's use it, right?
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theirs was 2000 years ago. they did not have trucks, they did not have tractors, they did it the old-fashioned way, and it is a big wall. so we are going to build a wall, and we are going to stop people from coming into our country illegally. [cheers and applause] it is time. and if people want to come and legally, we want them. to come in. they have to go through the process. when i first mentioned this, all the other candidates -- again, we started with 17, now we are down to 15. they will start dropping like flies. at some point, they've got to leave. don't they sort of have to leave? we have got is one guy, he is terrible, he is the worst debater. kasich from ohio. debater.s the worst
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he cannot speak properly. he is a professional politician. he is terrible. i am telling you, lindsey graham , i am telling you, how do you beat the senator in florida? i'm killing him. who by the way does not vote. how would you like to be in florida and you invest in a young guy, you taken to heart, and you put him as a united states senator. is in there for about 12 seconds, and he decides he wants to run for president. why? how would you like to have a guy who does not show up to vote? you put in a lot of time and effort of making your choice, but if a man says he is going to be your senator and then goes around campaigning and fundraising -- he was the other day -- homeland security. very important meeting.
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in washington. he chose to go to a fundraiser in california. i don't know if i'm going to win florida, but i am killing him in florida. killing them. [cheers & applause] i think i have the ultimate soundbite. if a guy -- first of all, rubio illvery, very weak on egal immigration and amnesty. bush is low energy but very nice. we don't need low-energy people, folks. we can't afford them. hillary is -- i mean, hillary. you ever see hillary? she doesn't have the strength, the stamina. but did you ever see hillary? she will do an event like this , and then she will not show up for 5 -- you know what she goes , home and sleeps. she will do an event like this. we should not be laughing, we should be crying.
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guy, he gave it up when he said no e-mails. bernie. i think he just had a hernia operation, you know? he was carrying around the tax code that he wants to make larger. it is true. i actually just made that up. but it is true. he just had a hernia operation. i hope he gets better fast. but he's got no chance. he took hillary and gave for the her the election. he was doing fine, and he gave her the second largest crowd. by the way, mine blows everyone away. i was in sarasota the other day, florida. what a great place. we had a time, you would not believe it. it was 12:00, football games and everything going on. 12,000 people. i don't ever say how many people. i let the government say it now. we have an amazing secret
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service, people that work here. we had 12,000 people. nobody said that. no covers that. but when bernie sanders has a group of 5000 -- i get much bigger things than he does. in the meantime, things are going down the tubes. but hillary should not be allowed to run because what she did was illegal. [cheers & applause] i want her to run. by the way, i beat her easily in the fox polls. you know what, i had this whole thing, and i never mentioned polls tonight. usually i start off by saying, and then everybody says, including my opponents, he always talks about polls. you know why? because i am winning all of them. it is true.
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if i were them, honestly, if you think about it, one of the major mainstreams asked me, not so long ago -- why do you always talk about polls? i never thought of the question. i said, i don't know. i am winning every poll. who knows what they mean, i think they mean something. they say +3 or -3. it is sort of strange. it is sort of an amazing thing. i studied it at wharton. i guess it works. but then you have many of them, and i am number one in everyone. every state. iowa, number 1. new hampshire, number one. a big number one. they have to work hard to catch
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me in new hampshire, let me tell you. and these are great people. you go down, south carolina. tremendous. nevada, tremendous. in nevada, i win the hispanic vote. i have always said i'm going to because i amnics bringing jobs back. i am bringing them back from china and japan and mexico and vietnam and everywhere. we are going to have jobs again. we are going to have jobs. the number 1 -- and i will probably get it tonight -- but the number one question i get, i go around and see a lot of different places. i use a lot of college auditoriums and all because of the crowd sizes. a lot of students come up. mr. trump what can you do to , help us? they are choked with debt. the biggest thing, they go for two years or four years of
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college, and they cannot get a job when they get out. they are good students at good colleges, and they cannot get a job. it is one of the most heart-wrenching questions i get. they are borrowing money. to a large extent, from the federal government. it is about one of the only things the government makes money with is student loans. maybe that is the only thing it should not be making money with. but we are going to do something. i don't know what is going on with the colleges, but they are going up like a skyrocket. nobody's going up but he the colleges. somebody is doing something wrong. one of the reasons, the federal government pays for the students. but the students cannot afford to pay that much. why are colleges going up of more than anything else? they must be making a fortune. college. colleglet's buy a do you want to buy a college? don't buy it. there are going on.
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one of the saddest things, you see the the students. they are really good. i have met so many and i feel so badly. it gives me more inspiration because i'm going to create the jobs. they cannot get a job. we are going to change that. when we go throu college, especially the good students. there are students who work really hard to be good students. they come out, and they cannot find anything. they don't know what to do. then they own money to the federal government and everybody else. and they have done everything they can to get through the college. we are going to start winning in this country, and we are going to start helping them out. we have got to them out. i always talk about the vets. everybody knows i have a great vet plan. illegal immigrants are treated better than our vets, i am telling you. they are being treated better than our vets. we are going to treat our vets
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better. i put in a policy plan a couple of weeks ago. i was on a great ship. it was an amazing day. on the wisconsin. we put, on the battleship, i said, you cannot build them like this anymore. they did not give me the answer. i love renovating. i love buying a building. the outside is there. the structure is there. you have to replace windows sometimes. if you can keep them, you keep them. like i am doing with the old post office in washington. you people would know it. one of the most beautiful buildings in washington was a disaster for 30 years. put it out to bid. it, the obama administration -- am i a good deal maker? one of the most sought-after in the history of the government services, gsa. we are under budget and ahead of schedule. that is what you want in the country. it is going to be one of the best hotels in the world.
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we are calling it, if you do not mind, trump international. somebody said, we have to keep the name. the old post office. it is not a post office, it is a hotel. we have to change it. i do have to tell you, i have dealt with the gsa, and they are terrific people. you have great people in government, you really do. if we can be led properly, this country is going to go to a level you would not believe. i have been saying over the past two months, because i have met so many people, just like yourself, and it is similar. there are some much love is some much love in the room. i have met so many people. i have seen the genius of these people. i have been saying, we are not only going to make our country great again. in my opinion, we have the potential to be greater than every before. i believe that. [applause]
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we will build it up, and we will make a great and make it rich again. a woman came up and said, "mr. trump, it is a little crass to say rich. we are a debtor nation." she said, "i am voting for you. but please don't say we are going to make it rich." i said, i have to say it. we are going to save social security, not cut it. we are not going to cut medicare. carson wants to cut medicare. i said it is a program that works great. you have waste, fraud, abuse. we will take care of that. but they are not going to be cut. you have been paying into your plans, social security for years. now they are coming up to you. it is getting to be that time. me, i don't want the social security. but it is getting to be that time where you are going to need it. i think it is unfair after all those years, they want to cut to you.
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governor christie wants to raise the age, so that you have to wait an extended period of time. it is not fair. you have been paying for years. we are going to take money back from all these countries that have been absolutely eating our lunch. we are going to have so much money. i said, it may be crass, but i have no choice. we are going to be so rich. you are talking about tremendous money. don't forget. when a china, when you have in balances of $450 billion, not million. $450 million would not be good. how about $450 billion a year? and then they say, "that is terrible." i am a free trader i believe in , free trade but it has to be smart. we cannot be stupid. they said, trump is not a free trader. i said, i'm a free trader.
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but when four years, we have a trade imbalance of over $400 billion every year, that is called dumb trade. the head of china comes. and poor obama, it is so sad. he greets him with a state dinner. i say for what. he talks about our partner. i want to be a partner, too, where i'm making $400 billion. the guy in china, the head man, good-looking guy, strong as hell, you know, a different system over there. they keep pounding each other, and the toughest, smartest guy gets to the top. we don't do that here. that is a system, i do not know if you know how it works, but from the time they are in kindergarten, the smartest and toughest. by the time to get up to that little that guy is tough. point, he is looking at obama.
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talking about this wonderful relationship we have. he is building military islands in the south china sea. i don't think he got an environmental impact statement. do you think they went out and said, all we have to do our ?nvironmental impact they put 300 excavators out there and started digging and dropping that sand. i have said, bomb the oil and keep it. i did not want to go into iraq. i should get credit for vision. this guy looks like a warrior. i am more militaristic than room but ithis , want to build that military so strong. i have been saying, don't go into iraq. in 2003 or 2004, a delegation came from the white house. they get a lot of publicity. even as a developer.
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when i was on "the apprentice" -- by the way, they wanted to extend me. they came in, the head of comcast, an incredible guy came to my guy with people from nbc. they want to extend me. i said, i want to run for president. they said no, we want to extend you. nobody thought i was going to run. they announced they are going to extend "the apprentice" with me. that would be season 15 and 16. it has been a great hit. i said no, i do not want to do that. i just held my breath. you know the famous escalator scene. i said to my wife, are you sure i want to be doing this? i said, let's go. we went down the escalator. we stood, you never saw it, it looked like the academy awards. the press. the press. even now look out tonight, so , many cameras back there. look at all those red lights. every word. no, think of it every word.
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,but, you know, it is an amazing thing. i said to my wife, come on, let's go. and she waved beautifully on the escalation. i talked about illegal immigration. little did i know, i was hitting a nerve that was so incredible. had i not made that speech and talked about what is happening, because after that you had a wonderful man killed. you saw his father on television. just shot, viciously shot for no reason. shot off the sidewalk. and then kate in san francisco, shot, by an illegal immigrant. and all the sudden -- should i takedid i take abuse? people said -- rush limbaugh said nobody has taken more abuse. i do not know if i can take this for a year and a half. this is a lot of incoming.
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i had never heard that term with respect to the press. but rush limbaugh said i have never seen a man take incoming like that. he doubled down on it and said i am right about it. i know how it works. you have to be smart and tough. somebody else would have said, i would like to apologize. is there anyway i can apologize? you cannot do that when you are right. if you're are right, you are right. you have to stick with it. i said, at this level of intensity, there is no way a human being can make it for a year. it all of a sudden people saw, i was right. if i did not take all of that unbelievable harsh and unfair punishment from the mainstream media, i tell you what, we wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration. we would not be talking about the crime. don't kid yourself, i don't mention it that often. because i am really good at this stuff. the jobs being taken away from people in our country, we are losing tremendous numbers of jobs.
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we are going to change that whole system. you have to give points for vision when you elect somebody. i think i have everybody in this room. do i have everybody? [cheers & applause] i think so. i think so. then i leave these places, and they say, they are there because he is a great entertainer. i'm not here to entertain. i'm not an entertainer. i read stories like, "the people in the room are there because he is a wonderful show and a wonderful entertainer." that is not the reason you are here. you are here to vote. please, do not waste my time with the entertainer stuff. i'm not an entertainer. i am somebody who knows how to get things done. i have one all my life, whether " ors "the apprentice "the art of the
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deal," one of the biggest selling business books of all time. i think the biggest. if it is three short, i will get killed. that is what i do. we can win together. vision. that is what we are saying. take the oil, take the oil. we shouldn't have been there. iraq, iran fight, they love to , fight. we want to rebuild our country. we built a gas station. did you see the gas station? and cost $43 million, and then it didn't work. yet if we want to spend $2 in this country, we don't have any money. if we want to fix up our roads, they are decrepit. our bridges are falling down to . in china, they are building bridges all over the place. so i said, take the oil and keep it. we shouldn't have been in iraq, but take the oil. because if you don't, we have spent $2 trillion, thousands of
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lives, the wounded warriors, and we give some of that oil to the families of the people that have lost their kids. [cheers & applause] we give money to wounded warriors. i tell you they are the most , incredible of all people. i tell you i deal with them all , the time. i deal with them, and i see them, and they have the biggest smile. they may be missing their legs, they may be missing their arm, worse than that. their strength is the strongest of all. i have never seen anything like it. the problem is, we go to iraq and we spend $2 trillion. thousands of lives, wounded warriors, and we get nothing. and we get nothing. we don't have anything. whatever happened to the victor getting the spoils? in the old days, when we were smart and strong -- which we are not anymore. we are stupid, we are being led by stupid people. and we are stupid because we
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allow these people to get into office. how does it happen? and i tell you, the people who are demonstrating, the few people, if they were standing here, most of them become converted. they agree with me. because what is not to agree with? what am i saying? i'm saying common sense, a little business. i'm saying a lot of heart. i want to take care of people. there are people who cannot afford of anything. we cannot let them down. we are republicans -- you can't let them die on the streets. someone will say, "trump said something that is not republican , he says to help," what are you going to do, let them die in the streets? it is not so bad, it is not so much. i am saying, we are going to fix our country. why are liberals opposed? i don't think they are. there are some people, and it doesn't matter, but i don't think they are.


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